Third Floor Hearing Room
County Court House
1325 Pearl Street, Boulder

This agenda is subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm an item of interest (303-441-3500).
In-person meetings are held in the Third Floor Hearing Room, County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder.
Public comments are taken at meetings designated as Public Hearings. Meetings and hearings on this agenda are open to the public.

For special assistance, contact our ADA Coordinator (303-441-3525) at least 72 hours in advance.


To view a two-week forecast agenda of the commissioners' schedule visit:


Due to technological delays during the hearing room remodel project and current COVID-19 restrictions, the
County Commissioners' Office is still conducting most public hearings & meetings
remotely. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Virtual meetings are conducted using Zoom Webinar and are publicly accessible. Virtual Public Meeting and Hearing information can be found at


The County Commissioners may have meetings with local, state and federal
officials involved with response and recovery from the Marshall Fire at various times
and in various locations, often with very short notice, in addition to the meetings
included on this agenda.


This item has Video


The County Commissioners may have meetings with local, state and federal officials involved with response and recovery from the Marshall Fire at various times and in various locations, often with very short notice, in addition to the meetings included on this agenda.

Please Note: The Public Hearing for Docket LU-22-0013/SPR-22-0051: Nelson Residence scheduled for Thursday, September 29 at 9:30 a.m. has been tabled indefinitely.

-- The PHA Plan is a comprehensive guide to public housing agency (PHA) policies, programs, operations, and strategies for meeting local housing needs and goals.  There are two parts to the PHA Plan: the 5-year Plan, which each PHA submits to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) once every 5th PHA fiscal year, and the Annual Plan, which is submitted to HUD every year.  This meeting would be to review and comment on BCHA's 2022 draft annual plan prior to final submission to HUD. 

ACTION REQUESTED: None – public testimony only.

More information on virtual meetings can be found in the Open Meeting Portal agenda packet at:

Attendee Link:


Call-in information: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 161 383 2179

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Docket LU-22-0019/SPR-22-0050: Nagle Warner Residence and Studio Limited Impact Special Use Review to allow for 2,571 cubic yards of grading for driveway and site improvements, and Site Plan Review for the constructions of a 4,977-square-foot residence and 940square-foot studio for a total residential floor area of 5,917 square feet on a 17.50-acre parcel. The proposal is submitted by Derya Nagle & Kelsey Warner (applicants/owners) and is in the Forestry (F) zoning district at 695 Cutter Lane, Tract 37, Carriage Hills Estates, approximately 1 mile north of the intersection of Wagon Wheel Gap Road and Pinto Drive in Section 10, Township 1N, Range 71W.


Opportunity for live virtual public comment will be available, and written comments can be emailed to Information regarding how to participate will be available on the docket webpage

Attendee Link:


Call-in information: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 161 624 5554

This item has Video


Public testimony will not be taken at this meeting. The public hearing portion for this docket was held and closed on September 14. The video recording and minutes can be viewed at:

Community Planning & Permitting Department Docket SU-22-0003: CEMEX Dowe Flats Mining and Reclamation Extension; Special Use/Site Specific Development Plan review to amend an existing Special Use approval (SU-93-14) for limestone/shale open mining/quarrying located at the Dowe Flats Quarry, extending approved mining activities for an additional 15 years; the original permit area of 1,911 acres to be reduced to 709 acres; the concluding of cement plant operations at the facility located south of Highway 66 within the same 15-year timeframe; with concurrent reclamation of wildlife habitat. The application is submitted by John Heffernan, c/o CEMEX, Inc. (applicant/property owner) and co-signed by Boulder County Parks & Open Space. The proposal is in the Agricultural (A) zoning district at 13301 55th Street, Parcel #120316000050, located approximately 0.5 mile north of the intersection of N. 53rd Street and state Highway 66, in Sections 9, 10, 15, and 16, Township 3N, Range 70W.


For more information on this docket visit:

Attendee Link:

Call-in information: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 160 384 7919