Public testimony will be taken.
Request: Request to reduce the front yard setback along Jasper Drive from 35 ft. (required) to 5.6 ft. (proposed) and the side yard setback from 7 ft. (required) to 3 ft. (proposed) to permit an existing wellhouse and to reduce the front yard setback from 35 ft. to 13.5 ft construct a residential accessory structure on an approximately 2.2-acre parcel.
Location: 220 Jasper Road, approximately 0.75 miles south of the intersection of State Highway 7 and Old St Vrain Rd, in Section 30, Township 3N, Range 70W.
Zoning: Agricultural (A) Zoning District
Property Owners/Applicants: Andrew Schmidt and Danielle Murphy
Agent: Alex Molkentin, Fernhill Build Studio
Staff Planner: Wesley Jefferies