Andrea Vaughn, Long Range Planner, presented Docket DC-23-0002: Land Use Code Text Amendment to 4-506.A Composting Incidental to Farming Operations.
SPEAKERS: Richard Andrews - Boulder; Dan Matsch - Hygiene; Alan Lewis - Boulder; Chris Allred - Longmont; Mary Mulry - Longmont; Mike Foster - Boulder County Parks & Open Space.
MOTION: Sam Libby MOVED that Planning Commission recommend to the Board of County Commissioners APPROVAL of Docket DC-23-0002: Land Use Code Text Amendment to 4-506.A Composting Incidental to Farming Operations, with the following recommendations:
- Adjustment in language to clarify the difference between a composting pile and green manure
- Adjustment in language to clarify the language in provision g ("best practices" and water run off)
- Clarification on the language regarding “food waste” and “food residuals”
- Adjustment in language to clarify the intent of "origin point"
- A reduction of the setback for accessory agricultural composting use to 150 feet or less
- Adjustment in language to clarify that animal waste generated on a residential property may be composted in Backyard Composting
SECOND: Rachel Medaugh
VOTE: Motion PASSED {8:0}