Regular Meeting Minutes

Third Floor Hearing Room
County Court House
1325 Pearl Street, Boulder
Commissioners Present:
  • Ann Goldfarb
  • Sam Libby, Vice Chair
  • Mark Bloomfield, 2nd Vice Chair
  • Chris Whitney, Chair
  • George Gerstle
  • Rachel Lee
  • Rita Manna
Commissioners Excused:
  • Gavin McMillan
  • Conor Canaday

The meeting was called to order at approximately 1:31 p.m. by Chair Chris Whitney.

MOTION: Mark Bloomfield MOVED that the Boulder County Planning Commission APPROVE the meeting minutes from July 17, 2024.
SECOND: Rachel Lee
VOTE: Motion PASSED {6:0} Abstained: George Gerstle




Pete L'Orange, Planner II, presented the application for McRawhide LLC c/o Jill and Mark McIntyre (owners), and Diamond Riley (applicant) for Special Use Review to permit a second principal use of Marijuana Establishment in an existing structure. The property is located in the Light Industrial (LI) zoning district at 5853 Rawhide Court, located north of Longhorn Road, near the northeast corner of US 36 and Longhorn Road, in Section 6, Township 1N, Range 70W.


SPEAKERS: Diamond Riley (applicant), Mark McIntyre (owner)


MOTION: Mark Bloomfield MOVED that the Boulder County Planning Commission CONDITIONALLY APPROVE and recommend to the Board of County Commissioners CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of Docket SU-24-0004: Zeke's Quality LLC subject to the conditions outlined in the Staff Recommendation Packet, with the amendments stated below. 


  1. The applicant must provide a Development Agreement, for review and approval by County staff,
    prior to the issuance of any permits by the Boulder County Land Use Department and prior to the
    recordation of said agreement.
  2. At permitting, the applicants must submit a revised parking plan, for review and approval by
    Community Planning & Permitting staff, showing a total of 12 parking spaces, including seven
    for the existing Light Industrial (Sonoma Tile) use, four for the Marijuana Establishment, and one
    ADA accessible parking space. All parking spaces must comply with the Boulder County
    Multimodal Transportation Standards (MMTS).
  3. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, Community Planning & Permitting staff must
    inspect the parking lot for compliance with the MMTS and ADA requirements.
  4. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, the parking spaces for the tile business and
    the Marijuana Establishment must be clearly designated through signage or other appropriate
  5. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, all parking spaces must be clearly defined
    and delineated through the use of wheel stops or other appropriate means.
  6. The applicant must obtain and maintain all applicable permits and licenses.
  7. No on-site sales are approved or permitted for the Marijuana Establishment use.
  8. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, the area adjacent to the fence on the eastern
    property line must be designated for use as fire lane, and must include "No Parking Fire Lane"
  9. Any externally illuminated signs be restricted to one lighting fixture, which must comply with
    Article 7-1300 of the Code (Outdoor Lighting); internally illuminated signs are prohibited. Sign
    permits are required for all signage.
  10. The applicants are subject to the terms, conditions, and commitments of record and in the file for
    Docket SU-24-0004: Zeke’s Quality LLC.

SECOND: Ann Goldfarb

VOTE: Motion PASSED {7:0}

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:06 p.m.

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