Regular Meeting Minutes

Third Floor Hearing Room
County Court House
1325 Pearl Street, Boulder
Commissioners Present:
  • Ann Goldfarb
  • Sam Libby
  • Gavin McMillan, Chair
  • Mark Bloomfield, 2nd Vice Chair
  • Dave Hsu, Vice Chair
  • Chris Whitney
  • Conor Canaday
  • Rachel Medaugh
Commissioners Excused:
  • George Gerstle

MOTION: Ann Goldfarb MOVED that the Boulder County Planning Commission APPROVE the meeting minutes from July 19, 2023.
SECOND: Sam Libby
VOTE: Motion PASSED {6:0} Abstained: Rachel Medaugh

  • Moved byAnn Goldfarb
    Seconded bySam Libby

Kim Sanchez, Deputy Director of Planning, introduced the new Administrative Lead Technician in the Planning Division, Heather Morgan. 



Pete L'Orange, Planner II, presented the application for Craig and Nicole Harrison (owners) and Mike Thomas, Boulder County Public Works (applicant), request for vcaation of a 60-foot Access Easement through Outlot A of Block 3 of The Farm in Boulder Valley NUPUD. The subject property is in the Agricultural zoning district at 0 N 95th Street (Parcel #146516003004), Outlot A of Block 3 of the Farm in Boulder Valley NUPUD, located approximately .35 miles east of the intersection of Kestrel Lane and 95th street, Sections 9 and 16, Township 1N, Range 69W.
SPEAKERS: Mike Thomas, Boulder County Public Works - applicant.
MOTION: Chris Whitney MOVED that the Planning Commission CONDITIONALLY APPROVE  and recommend to the Board of County Commissioners conditional approval of Docket V-23-0001: BOULDER COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Easement Vacation with the following standard post-approval requirements.

SECOND: Mark Bloomfield
Conditions of Approval:
1. The applicant shall meet all the post approval requirements within one year after the date of the Board of County Commissioners’ Resolution approving this vacation. This Resolution and associated documents shall also be recorded by Community Planning & Permitting Staff with the County Clerk and Recorder’s Office within this one-year timeframe. This vacation approval shall not be considered final or effective until this recordation. Finally, this vacation approval shall expire if recordation does not occur within the required one-year timeframe (unless an extension is granted).
2. The applicant shall be subject to the terms, conditions, and commitments of record and in the file for docket V-23-0001: Boulder County Public Works Easement Vacation.
VOTE: Motion PASSED {7:0}

  • Moved byChris Whitney
    Seconded byMark Bloomfield, 2nd Vice Chair

Pete L'Orange, Planner II, presented the application for George Moore of the Alexander Dawson School LLC (applicant/owner), Special Use Review request to modify a previous Special Use / Site Specific Development Plan approval (SU-13-0002) to increase the number of students allowed from 540 students to 700 students. The subject property is in the Agricultural zoning district at 10455 Dawson Drive and parcel number 146510000036, west of U.S. Hwy. 287 and approximately 1.5 miles south of Lookout Road, in Section 10, T1N, R69W.
**At approximately 2 p.m., Commissioner Dave Hsu joined the hearing.**
SPEAKERS: George Moore of the Alexander Dawson School LLC - applicant; Gary Koenig - Longmont.
MOTION: Sam Libby MOVED that the Planning Commission recommend to the Board of County Commissioners PARTIAL APPROVAL of Docket SU-22-0002: ALEXANDER DAWSON SCHOOL SU_SSDP partially approving by approving the increased enrollment to a maximum of 700 students, but partially recommending denial of removal of caps on electricity, gas, and water, and modification on cap of average daily trips to be the higher of 1,674 or 3.1/student based on that year's enrollment. 

SECOND: Rachel Medaugh
VOTE: Motion PASSED {6:2}

  • Moved bySam Libby
    Seconded byRachel Medaugh