Third Floor Hearing Room
County Court House
1325 Pearl Street, Boulder
Members Present:
  • Commissioner Claire Levy
  • Commissioner Ashley Stolzmann
  • Commissioner Marta Loachamin

[Note: All documents referred to in these Minutes of Commissioners’ Proceedings are on file and may be reviewed in the Office of the Boulder County Commissioners.]



The Board of County Commissioners of Boulder County met in Regular Meeting in full conformity with the law and resolution of said Board at the regular place of hybrid meetings, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder and on Zoom Webinar, on October 17, 2024. 

The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:02 a.m. by Chair Ashley Stolzmann.

Limited Impact Special Review for 1,254 cubic yards of non-foundational earthwork for construction of a new driveway to access the existing residence on an approximately 3-acre parcel. The application is submitted by Andrea O’Conor (owner/applicant), Gino Cornella (agent), and David Lucas (agent). The subject property is in the Forestry (F) zoning district at 254 Left Fork Road, parcel number 146130000021, approximately 0.7 miles north of the intersection of Sugarloaf Rd and Mountain Pines Rd, Section 30, Township 1N, Range 71W.

This public hearing was called to order at 9:02 a.m.

Staff Presenter(s):

Dana Yelton, Community Planning & Permitting Department

Other Presenter(s):

David Lucas, Agent

County Attorneys Present:

Liana Larremore

Public Speaker(s):

No one gave comment during the public hearing portion of this docket.

The commissioners' public hearing adjourned at 9:34 a.m.

  • Moved byCommissioner Loachamin
    Seconded byCommissioner Levy

    to conditionally approve Docket LU-24-0014 in accordance with staff recommendations, commitments of record by applicant, and with additional conditions as discussed and contained within the official record. 

    Carried Unanimously
No Item Selected