MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSBOULDER COUNTYAGENDATuesday, January 17, 2023 at 10:30 A.m. - 11:30 A.m.Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 1:00 P.m. - 2:00 P.m.Third Floor Hearing RoomCounty Court House1325 Pearl Street, BoulderThis agenda is subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm an item of interest (303-441-3500).In-person meetings are held in the Third Floor Hearing Room, County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder.Public comments are taken at meetings designated as Public Hearings. Meetings and hearings on this agenda are open to the public. For special assistance, contact our ADA Coordinator (303-441-3525) at least 72 hours in advance. To view a two-week forecast agenda of the commissioners' schedule visit: All commissioners’ public hearings and meetings will now be offered in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder. To sign up for in-person public comment, please use the link in this agenda for each respective hearing. There will also be a kiosk located in the lobby of the 3rd Floor to sign up for in-person public comment. For questions regarding in-person hearings call 303-441-3500.1.CALL TO ORDER BUSINESS MEETING (Zoom Webinar)More information on virtual business meetings can be found in the Open Meeting Portal agenda packet at: Attendee Link: Call-in information: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 160 688 0609 2.COMMISSIONERS' CONSENT ITEMS 2.aAssessors' Office: Master's Touch Contract Amendment (additional funding NTE $20,000) -- Contract Amendment with Master's Touch for printing and mailing of Notice of Valuation for Real and Business Personal Property taxes. The request is for additional funding not to exceed $20,000.2.bClerk & Recorder's Office: Contract Amendment with Runbeck Election Services, Inc. ($466,796) 1.2023 Runbeck Ballot Printing Amendment.pdf2.Exhibit A Fee Schedule.pdf-- Annual contract amendment with Runbeck Election Services, Inc., for Boulder County Elections ballot printing services in the amount of $466,796.002.cHousing & Human Services Department: Agreement with Mount St Vincent Home FY23 SS-23A - Out of Home Placement Services 1.2022-23 Mount St Vincent SS23A Cover Sheet_201579.pdf2.2022-23 Mount St Vincent SS23A CPA_201579.pdf3.2022-23 Mount St Vincent Addendum to SS23A Facility Placement Contract_201579.pdf4.2022-23 SS23A Out of Home Placement Facility Bid Waiver signed 20220823.pdf-- Contract Agreement and Addendum FY23 SS-23A - with Mount St Vincent Home for Out of Home Placement Services. The contract total depends on whether children are placed at the facility and the length of stay. If children are placed at the facility, a child-specific addendum (SS23B) will be executed between the Parties that will detail the negotiated rates.2.dParks and Open Space Award Recommendation: SOQ #7401-22 - BCPOS Maintenance, Repair, and Construction RentalEquipment 1.SOQ 7401-22 Award Recommendation.pdf-- The evaluation committee recommends awarding SOQ #7401-22, BCPOS Maintenance, Repair, and Construction Rental Equipment, to all vendors who submitted a proposal: 4 Rivers Equipment, LLC Wagner Equipment Co., Wagner Rents United Rentals, Inc. 2.ePublic Works Department: Award Recommendation- BID #7396-22 - North 71stStreet Shoulders and SH 52 Intersection ($2,256,994.88) 1.BID 7396-22 Award Recommendation.pdf-- The evaluation committee recommends awarding BID #7396-22, North 71st Street Shoulders and SH 52 Intersection, to Timber Wolf Excavating, LLC, dba, TWX, the lowest, most responsible bidder, with a contract amount of $2,256,994.88.3.COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.aHousing & Human Services: 2022-23 Task Order Contract with MHP for Withdrawal Management Services ($690,000) 1.2023 MHP Task Order 2023-04 Withdrawal Management_302459.pdf-- This Task Order Contract reflects Boulder County’s contribution towards general operating support for the Contractor to operate withdrawal management services at Mental Health Partners (MHP). The Withdrawal Management program provides individualized monitoring for safe detoxification from alcohol and/or drugs, assessment for treatment needs, information and education on alcohol and drugs, case management, and referral for medical, housing, employment support, and legal services. OFS # 2023-043.bPublic Works Department: 2022 Annual Highway Users Tax Fund (HUTF) Report to Colorado Department of Transportation 1.HUTF Memo_DRAFT_20230104.pdf-- 2022 Annual Highway Users Tax Fund (HUTF) Report to Colorado Department of Transportation3.cCounty Attorney's Office: Comments to EPA Supporting Endangerment Finding for Lead Emissions from Aviation Gas 1.2023-01-12 Memo re EPA Lead Avgas.pdf2.2023-01-11 Leaded Avgas Endangerment Finding Public Comment.pdf-- Boulder County has been asked to join a group of other local governments nationwide that are submitting comments to EPA in support of EPA’s proposed finding that lead emissions from aviation gas (avgas) used by piston-engine airplanes endanger human health and the environment. This finding, if finalized, would pave the way for EPA to regulate avgas.3.dPublic Health: National Radon Action Month Proclamation 1.National Radon Action Month_2023_BOCC_Template.pdf2.Colorado Radon Infographic 5.5x8.5 (test kit)_General Public.pdf3.Radon Reduction Roadmap Programs Policies.pdf-- Proclamation In Support of National Radon Action Month in Boulder County, Colorado.4.AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION Authorization for the Board of County Commissioners to go into Executive Session for Legal Advice at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, January 18th with Ben Pearlman, County Attorney, pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(b) Legal Advice.5.PARKS & OPEN SPACE EXECUTIVE SESSION -- Authorization for the Board of County Commissioners to go into Executive Session at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18 with Therese Glowacki, Director of Parks & Open Space, pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(a) Real or Personal Property acquisitions/sales for property south of Longmont and in the mountains near Allenspark.6.BCHA EXECUTIVE SESSION (IF NEEDED) 7.SCHEDULING AND COMMUNICATIONS (IF NEEDED) 8.CONFIRMATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION TOPICS The commissioners held an Executive Session for Legal Advice on Wednesday, January 11. The following topics were discussed:1.) Community Planning & Permitting Docket SE-21-0008 (Gebhardt Boundary Line Adjustment)2.) Community Planning & Permitting Docket LU-22-0021 (Fauber Residence and Driveway Earthwork)3.) Short-term Rental and Vacation Rental two-year review9.1:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING (Hybrid: In-Person and Zoom Webinar) (Staff Contact: Hannah Hippely & Ethan Abner) 9.aCommunity Planning & Permitting Department: 1.Final_Staff_Report_1.17_Short-Term_Rental_Two-Year_Review.pdfTwo-year review of the Short-Term Rental and Vacation Rental Regulations and Licensing Ordinance, as required by Resolution 2020-104 approving Docket DC-19-0005 Text amendments tothe Boulder County Land Use Code related to the Short-Term Dwelling Rental and Bed and Breakfast Lodging Uses.ACTION REQUESTED: For informational purposes & public testimony – no action requestedOpportunity for live virtual and in-person public comments will be available, and written comments can be emailed to [email protected]. Information regarding how to participate will be available on the docket webpage Virtual Attendee Link: REGISTRATION REQUIRED Call-in information: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 161 589 1630 In-Person Comment Registration: No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.HUTF Memo_DRAFT_20230104.pdf1.Final_Staff_Report_1.17_Short-Term_Rental_Two-Year_Review.pdf1.SOQ 7401-22 Award Recommendation.pdf1.2023 MHP Task Order 2023-04 Withdrawal Management_302459.pdf1.2022-23 Mount St Vincent SS23A Cover Sheet_201579.pdf2.2022-23 Mount St Vincent SS23A CPA_201579.pdf3.2022-23 Mount St Vincent Addendum to SS23A Facility Placement Contract_201579.pdf4.2022-23 SS23A Out of Home Placement Facility Bid Waiver signed 20220823.pdf1.BID 7396-22 Award Recommendation.pdf1.National Radon Action Month_2023_BOCC_Template.pdf2.Colorado Radon Infographic 5.5x8.5 (test kit)_General Public.pdf3.Radon Reduction Roadmap Programs Policies.pdf1.2023-01-12 Memo re EPA Lead Avgas.pdf2.2023-01-11 Leaded Avgas Endangerment Finding Public Comment.pdf1.2023 Runbeck Ballot Printing Amendment.pdf2.Exhibit A Fee Schedule.pdf