Limited Impact Special Review request for approximately 12,000 cubic yards of earthwork/grading related to ecological restoration of the Old St. Vrain Road Reach at 530 Old St. Vrain Road, and 0 and 31074 S St. Vrain Road. The application is submitted by The Watershed Center, c/o Yana Sorokin (applicant) and Biohabitats, c/o Mike Lighthiser (agent). The subject property is in the Agricultural (A) zoning district at 530 Old St. Vrain Road, 0 Old St. Vrain Road, and 31074 S St. Vrain Road, located on Old St. Vrain Road, approximately 1 mile south and west of the intersection of State Highway 7 and Old St. Vrain Road, in Section 24 and 25, Township 3N, Range 71W, and Section 19, Township 3N, Range 70W.
- Action Requested: Decision
- Presenter(s): Pete L’Orange (In Person)
- Location: Hybrid (Hearing Room and Zoom Webinar)
Opportunity for live virtual and in-person public comment will be available, and written comments can be emailed to the planners' email. Information regarding how to participate will be available on the docket webpage.