Third Floor Hearing Room
County Court House
1325 Pearl Street, Boulder

This agenda is subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm an item of interest (303-441-3500).
In-person meetings are held in the Third Floor Hearing Room, County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder.
Public comments are taken at meetings designated as Public Hearings. Meetings and hearings on this agenda are open to the public.

Boulder County wants to ensure that everyone has equal access to our programs, activities, and services. To request an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation, please email [email protected], or call 303-441-1386. Submit your request as early as possible, and no later than two business days before the event.

To view a two-week forecast agenda of the commissioners' schedule, visit the Commissioners' Advance Agenda.

All Commissioners’ public hearings and meetings will be offered in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder. The commissioners retain the right to switch all hearings and meetings to in-person only instead of hybrid if technical difficulties arise. To sign up for in-person public comment, please use the link in this agenda for each respective hearing. There will also be a kiosk located in the lobby of the 3rd Floor to sign up for in-person public comment. For questions regarding in-person hearings call 303-441-3500.

Proposed extension of the existing Lyons Planning Area Comprehensive Development Plan IGA until June 30, 2025, to allow sufficient time to negotiate and adopt a long-term revised IGA.

There will be opportunities for live virtual and in-person public comment, and written comments can be emailed to [email protected]. Information regarding how to participate will be available on the Lyons IGA docket webpage.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Erica Rogers, County Attorneys Office (In Person)