Regular Meeting Minutes

Third Floor Hearing Room
County Court House
1325 Pearl Street, Boulder
Members Present:
  • Janet George
  • Tony Lewis
  • Trace Baker
  • Paula Fitzgerald
  • Drew Adams
  • Jackson Moller
  • Kristine Johnson
  • Carol Byerly
Members Excused:
  • Derek Turner

Note: The Public Comment Period for Items Not on the Agenda did not occur to allow enough time for the Integrated Weed Management Plan decision.

  • Moved byJanet George
    Seconded byTrace Baker

    Paula Fitzgerald abstained.


Staff Presenters: Therese Glowacki, Parks & Open Space Director; Tina Nielsen, Special Projects Coordinator; Justin Atherton-Wood, Planning Supervisor

Action Requested: Recommendation to BOCC


POSAC Questions and comments

Paula Fitzgerald: I would request that staff highlight which properties this plan covers.

Drew Adams: I want to recognize the changes made in the plan that reflect public concerns.

Janet George: Has Rejuvra been through the WHO process yet?

Response: It hasn’t been approved yet. The full evaluation process is online. Boulder County will go through an outside third party, like Cornell University, to work through the process for us to evaluate.

Kristine Johnson: I appreciate the work that has gone into the plan. I wish the willingness to engage with the public had happened earlier. Do you anticipate your cheatgrass treatment will include more than 1,000 acres to meet that 50% reduction goal?

Response: We don’t have the money to do it all in one year, so it will be spaced out over the years. One nice thing about Rejuvra treatments, these results are not from repeated treatments. It’s done in one year.

Trace Baker: Pg. 33 in the plan mentions the lowest human health and human impacts to reach the management objective. When that decision comes up, how will it play out?

Response: We’ll use the tools available to us to identify those factors.  

Trace: Pg. 33 also shows the proposal will have an explanation for why the chemical is needed. Should there also be a discussion of the risks involved as part of the explanation?

Response: Sure.

Trace Baker: Is there a procedure or process for how to monitor?

Response: We do, but we’ve never written those processes down. Staff have methods that have been developed over the years.

Trace Baker: I believe that this type of transparency in monitoring is important.

Response: Absolutely. One goal is to keep monitoring data online so everyone can see it.

Carol Byerly: Is staff already using drones? Will you contract this work out?

Response: We’ll use professionals who are certified to do this type of work. BCPOS staff are using drones for other purposes.

Jackson Moller: When are you coming back with the IWMP for review?

Response: State law requires review at least every three years.

Tony Lewis: Why are there goals for 2030 when the plan will be reviewed every three years? Why wouldn’t you set goals for the three-year mark (2027)?

Response: We felt like we needed additional time to meet those goals. I don’t know that we can reach the 50% reduction goal before 2030, but we can show progress by the three-year mark.

Jackson Moller: What is the participation rate for the Weed Warrior project?

Response: We are currently taking applications. We have at least 32 applicants right now. We will start taking rolling applicants through the year.

Kristine Johnson: Is it possible to have a 25% reduction in three years?

Response: I don’t know if it’s possible. We would need to look at our numbers to see if that’s an opportunity for us.

Tony Lewis: I appreciate the public for being such fierce advocates and that staff has been so responsive. I would like to see staff track progress as you go along.

Response: We do plan to show that progress and give POSAC updates.

What happens if those drone drift cards show drift?

Response: We can clarify that. If we are way outside our target zone, we’ll make changes. That’s why we’re putting in the buffers.

Tony Lewis: Before using drone applications, I’d like for you to add your plan for notifying residents, which includes multiple methods.

Tony Lewis: Would the use of any new herbicides on open space come to POSAC first or would you just look at the WHO guidelines?

Response: If we adopt the WHO process, any herbicides in Table 4 or 5 could be used.

Public Comments: 

Tess McDonald, Lyons. She stated that some people are afraid to recreate on county open space due to the use of herbicides. She believes these chemicals cause cancer. She wants to see all use of glyphosate in the county to be stopped.

Erin Meschke, Boulder. She asked POSAC to not vote to approve the current plan. She has concerns about drone spraying. She would like to see goats used for the management of cheatgrass. She believes glyphosate is a carcinogen.  

Christal Markevich, Unincorporated Boulder County. She stated that diazepam is too dangerous to use on open space lands.

Kathleen Sands, Lyons. She doesn’t think herbicides are needed at all and believes there are other, better options. She stated that the public doesn’t want herbicides used.

Amanda Dumenigo, Lyons. She stated that cheatgrass does not require eradication. She spoke about the risks of glyphosate and would like to see a full ban.

Karen, Boulder. She has been chronically ill after being exposed to pesticides while working for the USFS.

Cathern Smith, Louisville. She is encouraged to see fewer chemicals being proposed and she would like to see a better way of notifying residents.

Lezlie Forster, Boulder. She is concerned about the continued use of glyphosate by Boulder County, and she listed the harmful effects.

Alex Markevich, Unincorporated Boulder County. He doesn’t believe the county has listened to the public commentary in drafting the current plan, which is asking for stopping all aerial spraying and the use of glyphosate.

Scott Miller, Lafayette. He thinks the bigger issue is for staff and POSAC members to be the best stewards of the land. Staff manages county lands every day and they know the methods that work. Their expertise should be considered.


POSAC Deliberation: 

Trace Baker moved to recommend the plan as written and presented by staff.

Paula Fitzgerald seconded.


Carol Byerly proposed an amendment to remove the use of glyphosate from the plan.

Kristine Johnson seconded.

Drew Adams asked what the backup plan would be if glyphosate was removed.

Staff responded that it would be a challenge to find a replacement and it could cause greater disturbances and create more weed pressure.

Vote on Amendment 1 to remove the use of glyphosate:

Amendment passed 7-1


Kristine Johnson proposed an amendment to remove the use of Indaziflam in the plan until the WHO approves it.

Jackson Moller seconded.

Vote on Amendment 2: Failed 6-2


Jackson Moller proposed an amendment to add a multi-modal notification system for aerial spraying that includes a way for residents to subscribe.

Paula Fitzgerald seconded.

Vote on Amendment 3: Passed 8-0


Kristine Johnson proposed an amendment to reduce by 25% in the acreage treated by herbicides by the 2027 review, in addition to the 50% reduction in six years.

No second. Amendment failed.


Kristine Johnson proposed an amendment to remove all aerial spraying from the plan.

Jackson Moller seconded.

Vote on Amendment 4: Failed 6-2


POSAC discussed the possibility of forming an oversight committee for the IWMP. Members agreed it would be better for staff to regularly update POSAC, which already provides some oversight.

Trace Baker asked staff to add language that BCPOS will return to POSAC with a discussion of risks and benefits before using a new herbicide.


Carol Byerly moved to approve the plan as presented by staff with the following amendments:

1) Add glyphosate to the list of herbicides no longer used.
2) Direct staff to create a multi-modal notification system and subscription notification system to notify residents of aerial spraying.

Janet George seconded.

Motion passed 6-2.

  • Today the Board of Boulder County Commissioners approved the East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan with modifications.
  • Housing & Human Services has a program for farm worker housing. We will have a presentation on this at the April POSAC meeting.


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