Subdivision Exemption request to separate approximately 1.7 acres of land from the subject property for purchase by the City of Longmont for flood mitigation work in order to support the Resilient St. Vrain Project. The application is submitted by Scott Natter, c/o 26 S. Sunset Street LLC (applicant/property owner) and Josh Sherman c/o City of Longmont (agent). The subject property is in the General Industrial (GI) zoning district at 26 S. Sunset Street, approximately .1 miles north of the intersection of S. Sunset Street and Boston Avenue in Section 4, Township 2N, Range 69W.
- Action Requested: Decision
- Presenter(s): Sam Walker, Community Planning & Permitting
- Location: Hybrid (Hearing Room and Zoom Webinar)
Opportunity for live virtual and in-person public comment will be available, and written comments can be emailed to the planners' email. Information regarding how to participate will be available on the docket webpage.