Regular Meeting Minutes

Virtual PC Meeting
Commissioners Present:
  • Ann Goldfarb
  • Sam Libby, Chair
  • Mark Bloomfield, Chair
  • Dave Hsu
  • Chris Whitney
  • Conor Canaday
Commissioners Excused:
  • Sam Fitch
  • Gavin McMillan, Vice Chair
  • Lieschen Gargano

MOTION: Sam Libby MOVED that the Boulder County Planning Commission APPROVE the meeting minutes from August 17, 2022.
SECOND: Chris Whitney
VOTE: Motion PASSED {6:0}

Kim Sanchez, Deputy Director of Planning, provided an update on the status of the Board of County Commissioners hearing room remodel and Community Planning & Permitting's transition to conducting hybrid hearings for Planning Commission.



Sam Walker, Planner II, presented the application for Randy W. Schow, Mountain States Children’s Home, a request to modify SU-04-0013 with the construction of two new residential group homes, remodeling of 6 existing residential group homes, and additions to the administrative and school buildings to support an expansion in the number of children and house parent families housed on the property. The property is in the Agricultural zoning district at 14780 N. 107th Street, at the corner of US 287 and Yellowstone Road, in Section 10, Township 3N, Range 69W.
SPEAKERS: Nick Mears, Mountain States Children's Home (applicant)
MOTION: Sam Libby MOVED that the Planning Commission CONDITIONALLY APPROVE and recommend to the Board of County Commissioners conditional approval of Docket SU-21-0017: Mountain States Children's Home Expansion with the conditions listed in the staff report along with the amendment that was just discussed to condition 4.
SECOND: David Hsu
1.The applicants shall provide a Development Agreement, for review and approval by County staff, prior to the issuance of a permits by the Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting Department and prior to the recordation of said Agreement within one year of approval.
2. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any structure, the Mountain States Children’s Home must submit evidence that the school has obtained all applicable local, state, and federal permits for operation of the school.
3. The development must meet all requirements outlined in the Building Safety and Inspection Services Team referral response and the Building Code, including but not limited to:
  a. Building Permits;
  b. International Green Construction Code requirements
  c. Minimum Plumbing Fixtures;
  d. Accessibility;
  e. Design Wind and Snow Loads;
  f. Fire Department requirements;
  g. Ignition-Resistant Construction and Defensible Space: and
  h. Plan Review
4. The total number of children in treatment on the property is not to exceed 40 at any given time.
5. The total number of approved residences on the subject parcel is 10, including the existing staff residence, existing farm manager residence, six existing Group Care Homes, and two new Group Care Homes. No Group Care Home on the subject parcel may exceed 5,331 square feet in size.
6. The 1,100-square-foot administrative office addition and 1,500-square-foot multipurpose building addition are approved as proposed.
7. At building permit submittal, the applicants must include a revised site plan that does not include the proposed landscaped berm.
8. Prior to the issuance of any permits, the applicants must submit written confirmation from the Little Thompson Water District that development may proceed and will not overdraw the water tap on the parcel.
9. Prior to the issuance of any permits, the applicants must submit written confirmation from the Highland Ditch Company indicating that all of the requirements described in the Ditch Company’s referral response have been met.
10. At building permit submittal, the application materials must include a copy of a CDOT access permit (or other documentation of access permission) for each point of access to US 287.
11. At building permit submittal, a Landscaped Screening and Revegetation plan is required. The plan must indicate the placement of no less than 5 trees between each of the new group care homes and the US 287 right-of-way. The intent is not to completely hide the residence, but to break up the mass of the façade and soften the structure’s hard lines.
The plan must conform to the requirements as described on the materials located on our Revegetation Page, and must show the location of all erosion control devices such as silt fence, straw bales, riprap and retaining walls. Cut and fill slopes are not to exceed a slope of 2:1 (slopes of 1.5:1 may be allowed in areas with soils and exposures conducive to good revegetation or if the plan takes steps to improve the revegetative properties of the site.) The grade of all cut and fill slopes must be included on the revegetation plan. The plan must include details regarding the reclamation of existing and proposed cut and fill slopes.
The plan must also include grass species to be used, an explanation of how topsoils will be stockpiled and reused, mapped delineation of all disturbance areas (including construction staging and soil stockpiling areas, driveway, utility lines, and septic system), and locations of erosion control measures. New horticultural plantings should emphasize xeriscaping principles.
Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the full installation of the approved plan must be inspected and approved by the Community Planning & Permitting Department. If weather is not conducive to seeding or if adequate revegetation efforts have not occurred and vegetation is not adequately established at the time of final inspection request, an irrevocable letter of credit or monies deposited into a County Treasurer account will be required to assure the success of revegetation. You should consider the following well in advance of your revegetation inspection:
Whether you are applying for a Certificate of Occupancy, final inspection, or the return of funds held in escrow for completion of revegetation, some level of germination and growth of grass seed is required.
Keep in mind that the steeper the slopes and dryer the soil, the greater the attention needed to establish a level of germination adequate to obtain revegetation approval. Areas of disturbance found at inspection not included on the revegetation plan are still subject to reseeding and matting.
Incomplete revegetation is the leading cause for delays in obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy.
Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for either structure, the full installation of the approved Landscaped Screening and Revegetation Plan must be inspected and approved by the Community Planning & Permitting Department.
12. Prior to issuance of building permits, one copy of a proposed Lighting Plan must be submitted to the Community Planning & Permitting Department for review and approval. Down lighting is required, meaning that all bulbs must be fully shielded to prevent light emissions above a horizontal plane drawn from the bottom of the fixture. The lighting plan must indicate the location of all exterior fixtures on the site and structures, and must include cut sheets (manufacturer's specifications with picture or diagram) of all proposed fixtures. The lighting plan shall be included as part of the building plan set required at the time of permit application. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the full installation of the approved Lighting Plan must be inspected and approved by the Community Planning & Permitting Department.
13. The exterior colors, materials, and trim of any new or reconstructed group care home must match the exterior of the Group Care Home permitted under BP-13-1134. Prior to issuance of building permits, submit to the Community Planning & Permitting Department for review and approval, one set of digital samples of all exterior colors to be used including roof, siding and trim. Please note that all color samples need to be small enough to fit into a file and will be kept for the record. Alternatively, exterior colors may be included as part of the building plan set required at the time of permit application. At the final inspection, the Community Planning & Permitting Department must inspect and verify that the approved color samples are used on the new structure.
14. The Group Care Home, administrative office building, and multipurpose building elevations dated 06/06/2022 are approved as proposed.
15. The locations for the new Group Care Homes, Office addition, and School addition shown on the detail site plan dated 06/06/2022 are approved as proposed. The four reconstructed Group Care Homes (labeled Cottage 1, Cottage 2, Cottage 3, and Cottage 4 on the site plan) must reuse the building footprints shown on this site plan.
16. Prior to issuance of building or grading permits, details regarding the placement and construction of the silt fencing or other appropriate erosion control measures must be submitted to and approved by the Community Planning & Permitting Department. Erosion control plans may be incorporated into the required Landscaped Screening and Revegetation Plan. Erosion control must be installed before construction commences and remain in place until vegetation is sufficiently established on the disturbed soil. Prior to any grading or site disturbance, the silt barrier location and materials must be installed as required per the approved plans. At the time of the footing foundation inspection and all subsequent inspections, the Community Planning & Permitting Department must confirm the silt barrier location and materials have been installed as required per the approved plans. Any other areas on site are subject to installation of silt fences, if needed.
17. The applicants shall be subject to the terms, conditions, and commitments of record and in the file for docket SU-21-0017 Mountain States Children’s Home Expansion.
VOTE: Motion PASSED unanimously {6:0}

  • Moved bySam Libby
    Seconded byDave Hsu
No Item Selected