Third Floor Hearing Room
County Court House
1325 Pearl Street, Boulder

This agenda is subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm an item of interest (303-441-3500).
In-person meetings are held in the Third Floor Hearing Room, County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder.
Public comments are taken at meetings designated as Public Hearings. Meetings and hearings on this agenda are open to the public.

For special assistance, contact our ADA Coordinator (303-441-3525) at least 72 hours in advance.


To view a two-week forecast agenda of the commissioners' schedule, visit the Commissioners' Advance Agenda.

All commissioners’ public hearings and meetings will now be offered in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder. To sign up for in-person public comment, please use the link in this agenda for each respective hearing. There will also be a kiosk located in the lobby of the 3rd Floor to sign up for in-person public comment. For questions regarding in-person hearings call 303-441-3500.

Verity Noble submitted her resignation from the Resource Conservation Advisory Board where she served as member-at-large.

Boulder County Wildfire Partners has engaged with The Advertising Checking Bureau, Inc. (ACB) to develop and administer a wildfire mitigation rebate program in Boulder County.

This grant is provided as part of the Boulder County Strategic Fuels Mitigation Grant program. Funds will be used to fund Boulder Mountain FPD mitigation crew to perform fuels mitigation treatments on approximately 235 acres on private lands as part of a community-wide mitigation project in the St. Vrain Forest Restoration priority area. The mitigation crew will perform defensible space treatments and forest thinning to reduce fuel loading and ladder fuels.

Grant application for Boulder County Community Services Head Start program with the US Department of Health and Education for $1,525,816. Grant application is for the funding for operations, training of staff, and salaries for Boulder County Head Start program.

The County has awarded Center for People With Disabilities with $75,000 in 2023 Worthy Cause Funds for debt reduction on a mortgage used to fund renovations and remodeling. Property is located at 1675 Range Street in Boulder.

The County has awarded the Harvest of Hope Pantry with $75,000 in 2024 Worthy Cause Funds for debt reduction for the purchase of their property that is used as a food pantry, community gathering space, for client referral and their office. The property is located at 4830 Pearl Street in Boulder.

Resolution 2024-026, denying Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting Docket SU-22-0002: Alexander Dawson School SU-SSDP.

Resolution 2024-028, conditionally approving Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting Docket HP-23-0004: Walker Ranch Historic District.

In accordance with the provisions of this contract and its exhibits and attachments, the Contractor shall: provide managed care services, funding the I.M.P.A.C.T. Program through Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services (BCDHHS), County of Boulder, State of Colorado, Acting by and through its Board of County Commissioners (County).  Amendment to increase FY24 contract amount to $1,576,512.

Staff Contact(s): Lane Volpe, Housing & Human Services.

Boulder County Housing & Human Services is contracting with AidKit, Inc. to provide direct cash assistance to families with young children as part of a pilot program, Application Assistance and Payment Platform Provider. AidKit was awarded this contract after their response to RFP 7505-23.

Staff Contact(s): Rory Thomes, Housing & Human Services.

In accordance with the provisions of this contract and its exhibits and attachments, the Contractor shall: provide managed care services, funding the I.M.P.A.C.T. Program through Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services (BCDHHS), County of Boulder, State of Colorado, Acting by and through its Board of County Commissioners (County).  

Staff Contact(s): Lane Volpe, Housing & Human Services.

The evaluation committee recommends awarding RFP-024-24, Survive and Thrive: Application and Payment Provider, to AidKit, Inc.

Staff Contact(s): Rory Thomes, Housing & Human Services.

Signature needed on contract #303474, Energy Outreach CARES, the BOCC reviewed and approved the bid waiver for this contract in November, 2023.

Staff Contact(s): Dave Hatchimonji, Office of Sustainability, Climate Action & Resilience.

On February 13, 2024, the Board of County Commissioners approved the acquisition of the Sky View property at 10384 Airport Rd., Longmont. This Notice of Property Restrictions is needed to complete the transaction.

Amendment to Contract with Oz Architecture for the Emergency Response Building for an additional amount of $155,061 for a new total amount of $1,337,441.

Request for extension of a temporary fireworks stand use at 4760 28th Street, pursuant to Boulder County Land Use Code Section 4-517.H and Section 4-600.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Wesley Jefferies, Community Planning & Permitting

Limited Impact Special Use Review to allow the continued operation of an existing Forestry Processing and Sort Yard on a 36.32 acre parcel located at 291 Ridge Road.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Pete L’Orange, Community Planning & Permitting

Staff requests that the Board of County Commissioners determine whether to call up the Director’s determination of docket SPR-23-0087: Reptar 1783 LLC Change of Use for review at a public hearing.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Erica Bjelland, Community Planning & Permitting

Jacob Bauer has been named as a defendant in the Complaint filed in Brad Alexander v. Jacob Bauer, et al., 2024CV28.  At the time of the events at issue in the Complaint occurred, Jacob Bauer was a public employee of the County.  The County Attorney’s Office is requesting approval and signature from the Board to provide legal representation for Jacob Bauer.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Colin Mayberry, County Attorney's Office; David Hughes (Alternate), County Attorney's Office

Kyle Zimmer has been named as a defendant in the Complaint filed in Brad Alexander v. Jacob Bauer, et al., 2024CV28.  At the time of the events at issue in the Complaint occurred, Jacob Bauer was a public employee of the County.  The County Attorney’s Office is requesting approval and signature from the Board to provide legal representation for Kyle Zimmer.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Colin Mayberry, County Attorney's Office; David Hughes (Alternate), County Attorney's Office

Robin Bohannan, Community Services Director, is requesting a new 1.0 FTE term Human Services Caseworker C (SL4) with a term date of December 31, 2026.  In 2021 the Community Navigation Hub was funded under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and provided a budget of 3 million dollars to extend through 2026. The original approved budget allocated funds across five (5) navigator positions, however only four (4) position codes were available when the program started. Currently, all position codes have been filled and the program’s budget is still projected to support one additional position beginning in early 2024. The current navigation team has processed approximately 200 referrals among a team of four navigators, just in the pilot period. As we expand this service into the public throughout 2024 and increase our triage role for the ARPA Mobile Crisis Team, the referral volume is expected to increase significantly. Bridgette McCarthy, Grant Supervisor with OFM, has verified the ARPA funding. Human Resources has approved the classification. Commissioners' approval is needed.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): BJ Lambden, Human Resources; Kelly Veit, Community Services

Blue River Forestry and Tree Care, Inc will provide tree pruning and trimming, tree felling and thinning, debris chipping, stump removal, stump grinding, herbicide spraying and tree health care for trees located on open space lands on a project-by-project basis. This contract is for a 5-year service contract which will end on 12/31/28. The annual not to exceed amount is $400,000.00 bring the total contract not to exceed amount to $2,000,000.00. OFS # 303416.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Cathy Thiltgen, Parks & Open Space

Prop Maintenance will provide property maintenance services for owned and leased rental houses as well as historical and agricultural structures and other County owned buildings on as as needed assigned basis. This contract is for a 5-year procurement term which ends on 12/31/28. The annual not to exceed amount is $500,000.00 for a total not to exceed contract amount of $2,500,000.00. OFS # 303408.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Cathy Thiltgen, Parks & Open Space

Root Tree Service will provide tree pruning and trimming, tree felling and thinning, debris chipping, stump removal, stump grinding, herbicide spraying and tree health care for trees located on open space lands on a project-by-project basis. This contract is for a 5-year service contract which will end on 12/31/28. The annual not to exceed amount is $400,000.00 bring the total contract not to exceed amount to $2,000,000.00. OFS 303421.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Cathy Thiltgen, Parks & Open Space

SavATree LLC will provide tree pruning and trimming, tree felling and thinning, debris chipping, stump removal, stump grinding, herbicide spraying and tree health care for trees located on open space lands on a project-by-project basis. This contract is for a 5-year service contract which will end on 12/31/28. The annual not to exceed amount is $400,000.00 bring the total contract not to exceed amount to $2,000,000.00. OFS 303467.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Cathy Thiltgen, Parks & Open Space

Splintered Forest LLC will provide tree pruning and trimming, tree felling and thinning, debris chipping, stump removal, stump grinding, herbicide spraying and tree health care for trees located on open space lands on a project-by-project basis. This contract is for a 5-year service contract which will end on 12/31/28. The annual not to exceed amount is $400,000.00 bringing the total annual contract not to exceed amount to $2,000,000.00. OFS # 303424.

  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Cathy Thiltgen, Parks & Open Space

The 2024 Boulder County Fair Housing Month Proclamation recognizes April as Fair Housing Month, commemorating the 1968 Fair Housing Act's aim to eliminate housing discrimination and ensure equal opportunities for all Americans, regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. Despite ongoing discrimination, Boulder County emphasizes the necessity of fair, inclusive housing policies and supports local efforts to promote fairness and assist those affected by discrimination. The proclamation encourages residents to learn about their rights under the Fair Housing Act, reinforcing the community's commitment to fairness, equality, and justice in housing. Boulder County's Board of Commissioners urges everyone to support efforts to eradicate housing discrimination, marking April 2024 as a time to acknowledge and advance fair housing principles.

Presenter(s): Susana Lopez-Baker, Housing and Human Services; Janeth Picazo, Housing and Human Services

Authorization for the Board of County Commissioners to go into Executive Session for Legal Advice at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, March 27th, with Ben Pearlman, County Attorney, pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(b) Legal Advice.

Confirming Executive Session topics noticed at the March 12th, 2024, Regular Meeting were discussed as scheduled.

Action Requested: Note for the Record

Presenter: Ben Pearlman, County Attorney's Office

General update to the Board of County Commissioners. More information on BCHA can be found on their website.

  • Action Requested: Public testimony taken; no action requested. 
  • Presenter(s): Susana Lopez-Baker, Molly Chiang, Ben Doyle, Michelle Alexander, Mary Corbat
  • Location: Hybrid (Hearing Room and Zoom Webinar)

Community Services Department: Monthly report from the Head Start division. No public testimony will be taken. More information on Head Start can be found at the Head Start website.

  • Action Requested: None - information only
  • Staff Contact: Akane Ogren
  • Location: Hybrid (Hearing Room and Zoom Webinar)

Community Planning & Permitting Department Docket Z-23-0001: Zoning Map Amendments to the Floodplain Overlay District; Amendments to the Boulder County Floodplain and Floodway based on FEMA’s Physical Map Revision reflecting the Colorado Hazard Mapping Program (CHAMP) study. Opportunity for live virtual and in-person public comment will be available, and written comments can be emailed to the planners' email. Information regarding how to participate will be available on the docket webpage.

  • Staff Contact: Kelly Watson
  • Location: Hybrid (Hearing Room and Zoom Webinar)
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