Third Floor Hearing Room
County Court House
1325 Pearl Street, Boulder

This agenda is subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm an item of interest (303-441-3500).
In-person meetings are held in the Third Floor Hearing Room, County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder.
Public comments are taken at meetings designated as Public Hearings. Meetings and hearings on this agenda are open to the public.

Boulder County wants to ensure that everyone has equal access to our programs, activities, and services. To request an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation, please email [email protected], or call 303-441-1386. Submit your request as early as possible, and no later than two business days before the event.

To view a two-week forecast agenda of the commissioners' schedule, visit the Commissioners' Advance Agenda.

All Commissioners’ public hearings and meetings will be offered in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder. The commissioners retain the right to switch all hearings and meetings to in-person only instead of hybrid if technical difficulties arise. To sign up for in-person public comment, please use the link in this agenda for each respective hearing. There will also be a kiosk located in the lobby of the 3rd Floor to sign up for in-person public comment. For questions regarding in-person hearings call 303-441-3500.

By County Commissioners Claire Levy, Marta Loachamin, Ashley Stolzmann.

By County Commissioners Claire Levy, Marta Loachamin, Ashley Stolzmann.

CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP

8390 E. Crescent Parkway, Suite 600 Greenwood Village, CO 80111

  1. Assistant County Administrator: Yvette Bowden
  2. Chief Financial Officer: Ramona Farineau
  3. Chief Sustainability Officer: Susie Strife
  4. Commissioners' Deputy: Natalie Springett
  5. Community Planning & Permitting Director: Dale Case
  6. Community Services Director: Robin Bohannan
  7. County Administrator: Jana Petersen
  8. County Attorney: Ben Pearlman
  9. Housing Department Director: Susana Lopez-Baker
  10. Human Resources Director: Julia Larsen
  11. Human Services Director: Susan Caskey
  12. IT Director: Paul Jannatpour
  13. Office of Racial Equity Director: Carrie Inoshita
  14. Parks & Open Space Director: Therese Glowacki
  15. Public Works Director: Steven Durian

Meets every other month, the first Wednesday of the month.

Membership includes one elected official representative from each of the municipalities in Boulder County, an ex officio representative from the City and County of Broomfield, and one County Commissioner, who chairs the Consortium. The purpose is to promote interaction and communication among Boulder County municipalities and the county for the benefit of the separate governments and the residents of Boulder County as a whole.

 Appointment: Commissioner Loachamin

Meets the third Wednesday of each month.

Membership includes one elected official representative from each of the member cities and
counties in the six-county Denver/Boulder Metropolitan Area. The purpose is to act as the
regional planning entity for land use, transportation, and water quality, among other regional

Appointment:  Commissioner Levy

Meets on the third Thursday of the month.

Membership includes an elected official representative from each city and county
government in the district. The purpose is to plan for and authorize the allocation and
expenditure of funds from the district-wide property tax among the district governments for
urban drainage and flood control projects.

Appointment:  Commissioner Stolzmann

Meets on the second Thursday of the month.

Membership consists of the mayor from each member government and a Boulder County Commissioner (Cities of Boulder, Louisville, Lafayette, Longmont, and Westminster, the Towns of Superior and Erie, and the City and County of Broomfield).  MCC advocates for transportation solutions to increase mobility in the Northwest Metro Region.

Appointment:  Commissioner Levy

Meets quarterly, virtual and at the St. Vrain Hub.

The board is made up of 20 members who are appointed by the Boulder County Commissioners and certified by the Governor.  Members represent the private sector, education, community-based organizations, economic development agencies, and unions.  The board serves to advise the Board of County Commissioners on workforce related issues in addition to exercising its federal law responsibilities.  The Board of County Commissioners has the responsibility to plan, oversee and evaluate the operations of Boulder County's two Workforce Centers and appoint one Commissioner representative to this board.

Appointment:  Commissioner Loachamin

Meets every month, the third Friday of the month

The Colorado Opioid Abatement Council (COAC) was created by the Department of Law in agreement with local governments to provide oversight of the opioid funds and to ensure the distribution of those funds complies with the terms of any settlement and the Colorado Opioid Settlement Memorandum of Understanding. The COAC is specifically responsible for oversight of opioid funds from the regional share and for developing processes and procedures for the statewide infrastructure share.

Appointment: Commissioner Levy

Approval to use $27,000 in previously budgeted Nederland EcoPass District funds for supplemental bus service connecting the Town of Nederland and the City of Boulder.

  • Staff Contact(s): Alex Hyde-Wright, Community Planning & Permitting

The evaluation committee recommends awarding RFP-117-24, Boulder County Alternative Sentencing Facility Food Service, to Aramark Correctional Services, LLC. 

  • Staff Contact(s): Michele Hudson, Community Services; Monica Rotner, Community Services

This amendment introduces data-sharing requirements to the existing contract. The vendor will provide the County with data collected from participants they assist in completing SNAP applications. No additional funding is being allocated through this amendment. Since the original contract, valued at $300K, was previously approved and signed by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), this amendment requires their signature, despite there being no change to the contract amount.

  • Staff Contact(s): Jahlia Daly, Housing & Human Services

Request approval to amend the existing contract for county-wide temporary staff augmentation services. Boulder county has been working with Insight Global since 2022. This amendment would allow the county to continue to utilize Insight Global for temporary staffing support. The amendment extends the contract term from January 1, 2025, through June 30, 2025, and increases the contract amount by $200,000, resulting in a new cumulative not-to-exceed total of $3,200,000. RFP #7327-22. OFS# 301880.

  • Staff Contact(s): Kurtis Alberi, Office of County Administrator

Petitions for abatement or refund of taxes were heard by hearing officers December 16 through December 18, 2024, who have provided the attached recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.

  • Staff Contact(s): Julie Brow, Office of County Administrator

Boulder County Public Works has prepared the attached Highway Users Tax Fund (HUTF) annual submission form for Commissioner review, approval, and signature. The HUTF program requires each Colorado jurisdiction to update the CDOT database on number, length, and width of roads maintained by the jurisdiction on December 31 of each year. Reported mileage and widths are used to determine the amount of HUTF funds distributed for the following year.

  • Staff Contact(s): Dave Watson, Public Works

Requesting ratification of Commissioner Stolzmann’s signature for the 2024 Annual Final Certification of Values sent to the Colorado Division of Local Government and the Division of Property to taxation.

Requesting ratification of Commissioner Stolzmann’s signature for the 2024 Annual Mill Levies and Revenue Report sent to the Colorado Division of Local Government and the Division of Property to taxation.

  • Action Requested: Ratification
  • Presenter(s): Cynthia Braddock, Assessor's Office (In Person)
  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Robin Valdez, Commissioners' Office (In Person)
  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Robin Valdez, Commissioners' Office (In Person)
  • Action Requested: Decision
  • Presenter(s): Robin Valdez, Commissioners' Office (In Person)

Confirming Executive Session topics noticed at the January 7th, 2025 Regular Meeting were discussed as scheduled.

  • Action Requested: Note for the Record
  • Presenter(s): Natalie Springett, Commissioners' Office (In Person)

Authorization for the Board of County Commissioners to go into Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a), real property issues, on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. with Ben Pearlman, County Attorney regarding the following topics: 1) Potential acquisition of property in Coal Creek Canyon near Nederland.

  • Action Requested: Decision

Authorization for the Board of County Commissioners to go into Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b), legal issues, on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 at 1:15 p.m. with Ben Pearlman, County Attorney regarding the following topics: 1) Implementation of the County’s Disparity Study recommendations; 2) Potential use by the Town of Erie of tax increment financing of development on the northwest corner of County Line Road and Erie Parkway

  • Action Requested: Decision

Limited Impact Special Review for an Agricultural Worker Accessory Dwelling Unit on an approximately 83-acre parcel. The application is submitted by Kristin Lopez (owner/applicant). The subject property is in the Agricultural (A) zoning district at 10790 N. 49th Street, an approximately 83-acre parcel located approximately 0.3-mile south of the intersection of N. 49th Street and Saint Vrain Road, in Section 4, Township 2N, Range 70W.

There will be opportunities for live virtual and in-person public comment, and written comments can be emailed to [email protected]. Information regarding how to participate will be available on the Lopez Ag Worker ADU docket webpage.

  • Presenter(s): Pete L'Orange, Community Planning & Permitting (In Person), Kristin Lopez, Applicant (In Person)
  • Action Requested: Decision